This Is Why It’s Okay To Look Back
When your Pinterest and Instagram feeds are constantly full of quotes, it seems so common to find posts like “When your past calls, don’t answer” or “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.” I believe these quotes are entirely true in many circumstances. (You may have read my blog last week on leaving your ex in the past.)
I believe that your past absolutely does not define you, but it does make up an important part of who you are today.
I’ve recently been embracing the fact that every part of my story matters. Are there pages I want to tear out? Yes. Are there pages I try and write myself, even though it’s out of my control? Of course. But no two pages will ever be the same and I just love the unexpected obstacles that lead to the best surprises.
I’ve realized that when I started to look back and sift through the pages of my own story, the parts I felt like I needed to keep hidden from my present life are actually the exact scenarios that have led me to the really great chapter I’m currently living. This is why I believe it’s okay to look back sometimes.
Last Monday when my blog launched, I shared some exciting news with you! Yesterday, it became a reality. I have decided to tell my personal story about how I got to where I am. The messy parts. The exciting parts. The scary parts. It’s all in there and yesterday I shared it with hundreds of thousands of people on Thought Catalog.
You can read my story here and don’t hesitate to share it with someone who might need a little extra inspiration today. Please remember that every part of your story matters, so take a look back and don’t be afraid to share a piece of it with someone who might be able to relate. It can be pretty restoring to hear someone say “I’ve been there, too.”
Thinking about your past triumphs and mistakes helps you see how far God has brought you to date! It is an awesome way to realize that we never stop growing, especially if we are willing to take a deeper look into who God made us to be, our gifts, talents AND weaknesses! Thanks for being so transparent with your story! Love you, Mom