Here’s The Best Travel Inspo You’ll Receive All Year
For those of you who know me personally, or have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you probably know by now that my husband and I have a passion for seeing the world. I loved traveling before I met him, but having him by my side has opened up an entirely new perspective for me. I’ve become more adventurous in the places I visit and I’ve learned how to never stop planning trips, even when you’re on a budget. There’s something about immersing yourself in a new culture that teaches you things you can only learn from actual experience.

Switzerland- April 2018
That being said, I am constantly trying to convince people to get out of their comfort zones. Book a trip instead of buying so many new clothes. Explore somewhere new instead of visiting the same place each year. There’s a big world out there to see!

Belize- May 2019
My husband, Jordan is a cinematographer for a living but we have never really captured our travels on film. A few months ago, I had this idea to make a short film encouraging people to get out there and see the world. I wrote a narrative for it and shared it with Jordan. When we visited the island of Curaçao for our anniversary, he brought a bunch of camera gear in hopes of bringing my idea to life.

Curaçao- October 2019
The past several days, we’ve been sitting at the computer putting together the short film which is the first video on our new YouTube channel, The Heid Collective. I hope you enjoy it (turn your sound on!) and my hope is that we can encourage you to experience the excitement of stepping into unfamiliar territory.
Oh Deidre, so so Great!! You two did an amazing job with your short film!! It makes me want to hope on a plane & explore! So proud of You and can’t wait to see your next adventure & film.
So glad you enjoyed it!!! Thanks so much for watching! 🙂 xo