Category: Blog

August 12, 2016

Get To Know The Girl Behind The Words

The truth is, vulnerability has always come easy to me when I’m writing. That’s why I’m never afraid to say in a post what everyone else is only thinking. It’s a gift, really. I mean, someone’s gotta say it, right? But when I checked my analytics today and realized that since launching my blog in April, I’ve gotten almost 6,000 views, I decided to give […]

August 4, 2016

Sometimes I Wear Pajamas All Day And Drink Wine Out Of A Coffee Mug

There’s something oddly therapeutic about listening to sappy songs while wearing your favorite pajamas when you are trying to get over someone. It’s the somewhat depressing action you take when all you need to do is throw yourself a pity party, pour a glass of wine and belt out the lyrics as if the song was intentionally written for you. And you know what? It’s […]

July 29, 2016

Make Sure You Have At Least One Friend In Each Of These Categories

I find it baffling to think about how many perfectly God orchestrated scenarios had to take place in order for me to end up meeting and getting to know all the people who consist of my tribe. I couldn’t imagine any of them not being a part of my world because they each serve a unique purpose in my life. I’ve come to the realization that there […]